Annual Recap

As 2023 draws to a close, this final blog post for the year is a reflective look back at the key messages shared in the various posts distributed and shared with you. 

I've pulled out ten key messages and summarised them.

Read on for more.

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Sharon Natoli
Why Speaking Up Can Feel Torturous

Women's voices have been muffled for centuries.

Consider the nymph Echo who, in Greek mythology, had her voice manipulated as punishment for talking too much. All she could do was repeat the last few words spoken by somebody else.

And consider also....the story of Eliza Turner

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Sharon Natoli
Speaking Quickly

In an online session last week I noticed the presenter speaking very quickly - fast enough that within the first 5 minutes, someone was asking for clarification as they had already become lost in the content.

You can probably relate.

Listening to someone speak quickly requires a great deal more focus and concentration than listening to someone speak at a more moderate pace.

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Sharon Natoli
Handling Conversation Domination

Conversation domination is a common way your voice, and self expression, are silenced.

When someone talks on and on without stopping for breath, or to acknowledge you might have something to say, it's like they're over-stuffing a suitcase. 

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Sharon Natoli
Arresting the Critical Self Talk Spiral

Dealing with Unhelpful Inner Narratives

We all know critical self talk drags you down and holds you back.

It gets in the way of performing at your best, trying new things and is a major contributor to self-silencing - the withdrawal that happens when you’re unsure, uncertain, fearful and doubtful.

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Sharon Natoli
Radical Responsibility

Stepping into Your Power

Knowing you have choice is one of the most powerful thoughts you can have. 
The moment you believe everything you're experiencing is the result of a choice you've made, is the moment you take radical responsibility for your life. You stop being a victim of the circumstances, environment and people around you, and start creating the experiences you want.

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Sharon Natoli
Ordinary Barbie

Embracing Enough-ness

Last weekend, along with thousands of others, I took myself to see the Barbie movie.
I'd received many recommendations to go - and it didn't disappoint. There were many truths, eye rolling moments and humorous cultural reflections.

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Sharon Natoli
The Myth of Perfectionism

Being yourself is the difference

A few years ago I was invited to speak at a global conference in Milan. At the time, it was a dream come true.  The conference represented everything I was interested in and the opportunity to be part of the program had me super-excited.

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Sharon Natoli
Creating Spaciousness

How to shift from constriction to expansion

Whenever I've felt a desire to say something but have held back, I've noticed it's been accompanied by a physical sensation of constriction in my body.

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Sharon Natoli
Witness Yourself

You can't change what you can't see

I was speaking with a client recently who was sharing feelings of frustration connected to her personal journey of change.

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Sharon Natoli
Changing Your Mind

Liberate yourself from old beliefs

One of the most embarrassing moments I remember as a teenager was walking up the street with my mother and her noticing a young couple kissing on the other side of the road.

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Sharon Natoli
Unsolicited Advice

Holding space and staying in your power

I recently joined a new yoga studio.  It's a beautiful space with high ceilings, majestic wooden doors and graceful teachers who are all well versed in the philosophy of yoga.

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Sharon Natoli