Annual Recap

As 2023 draws to a close, in this final blog post for the year I've taken a reflective look back at the key messages shared in the various posts I've distributed and shared with you. 

I've pulled out ten key messages and summarised them below.  If you're looking for some Summer reading, you can review the full articles linked to each of these topics on my website.

I hope you've found value in the content, and that it has helped as a reminder about the value of speaking up, expressing your authentic self, and having your voice heard.

1. Choose joy (January)
Your energy is a key part of your self-expression. Make joy a choice you take today, rather than a state you're hoping for in the future. 

2. Leverage the power of awe (February)
Awe increases feelings of happiness and warmth while reducing stress and anxiety. It’s an access point to a state of calmness, helping you speak with clarity and certainty. Find ways to tap into the power of awe (like being in nature).
3. Give yourself permission (March)
Instead of waiting your turn to speak, start now. You have permission to share, ask, act, do and put yourself forward.  
4. Rock the boat (April)
Restricting your expression for the sake of keeping the peace, perpetuates a way of living founded on disconnection. If you need to, make waves.
5. Witness Yourself (June)
You can only change what you can see. Evolve into a more certain, more confident and more authentic version of yourself, by bringing what's unconscious into your conscious awareness.  
6. Create spaciousness (July)
Speaking up means opening up. Use your body to get comfortable with the physical sensation of expansion as a useful practise to adopt.  

7. Arrest the critical self talk spiral (September)
Deal with the unhelpful inner narratives that drag you down and hold you back.  A useful starting point is to find value in self-compassion.
8. Handle Conversation Domination (October)
When you're on the receiving end of a waterfall of words you feel unseen and disconnected. Power is tipped in the favour of the person or people who speak.  Find ways to handle this to increase your authority and influence.
9. Speak Purposefully (October)
Pausing, breathing and pacing yourself when you speak creates clarity and connection with your listener. Get into a state of calmness to help your words be heard.
10. Why Speaking Up Can Feel "Torturous" (November)
Inter-generational trauma can influence your ability to speak up. Awareness of this is useful if you find speaking up harder than you think it should be.

Thank you for your engagement with these newsletters throughout the year.  I've enjoyed sharing my thoughts about finding your voice and receiving your responses.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and expressive New Year!

Sharon Natoli