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How to Deliver your Presentation with Confidence and Clarity - A Masterclass for Food Scientists

This masterclass is being hosted by the Australian Institute of Food Science & Technolgoy and is open to both members and non-members of the Institute.

Presentations are a key part of your role as a food scientist and provide an opportunity to highlight the value of your work, influence your audience and demonstrate your leadership readiness.  As famous political speech writer James Humes said “Every time you have to speak, you are auditioning for leadership.”

With this in mind, this masterclass will assist you to influence, engage and connect with your audience when you stand up to present. As a participant, you will learn:

  • How to effectively connect with your audience to gain their attention

  • A simple technique to structure your message for clarity

  • Three speaking styles for influence

  • The value of stories to support your point

  • How to create impactful slides

You will leave with key insights about how to communicate with confidence to ensure your message is heard by your audience and achieves the outcome you’re looking for.